November Update


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Shop Advertisements!

You can now purchase Advertisement Slots from Advertising Addison at spawn to advertise your Shops! (Plots cost $10 that last 24 hours, keep in mind, that this is one of the first things that players see at spawn, so it’ll get alot of traffic.)

Return of Mob Transporters!

Mob Transporters have returned! It’s Crafting Recipe is listed in the discord server.

Netherite Elytra!

A Special Elytra has been added! It can do 3 unique things, launch you into the air if you crouch, look at the ground & jump, boost you super fast while you’re flying if you press shift, and negate any fall damage/wall-bang damage! It’s Crafting Recipe is listed in discord

Miscellaneous Changes:

Halloween Update has been reverted.

Spider Spawners have been removed from the Black Market due to a bug.

Ruby Rank Players now have access to /enderchest.

Players now have access to /baltop.

Players now have access to /playtime (player).

Changed Server Logo.

The Nether and End have been reset..

Removed Herobrine ;)